Saturday, January 9, 2016

19 Viral Images Finally Revealed As Fake

The internet is a vast oasis of knowledge and information. It seems that there is no end to the amount of things you can learn from the internet, but that makes a lot of sense. When you think about it, pretty much everything has been compiled and put on the internet. A huge issue with this is the amount of misinformation that is also being spread across the internet. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish what's real and what isn't, especially when your favorite websites are reporting on them. Here are 19 pictures that went viral and turned out to be completely fake.
Do you have any gullible friends? SHARE this with them!

1. A cow sitting on a BMW. Thankfully it's fake because that cow would have left quite the dent. Whoever created the image photoshopped a picture of a cow onto the hood of this car.

2. This not-so-friendly koala. As cool (and terrifying) as this image is, koalas just don't have jaws like that. Photoshop at its finest.

3. The only honest thing about this picture is that there's a lion in it. Black lions are a possibility, but this particular one is a white lion that was photoshopped. 

4. Moon melon, yum! Too bad there's no such thing. This is just a regular watermelon that, again, was photoshopped.

5. Just like the witches it's named after, the Angolan Witch Spider is fake. Someone jokingly resized a photo of a regular wolf spider, put it onto the side of a house, then uploaded it to Facebook. The rest is history.

6. Aw, true love. Someone thought the waves were making the perfect shape so they decided to 'shop a heart into the sand. As cool as it appears, it's not real.

7. No recruitment center would ever place that in their window. This is just some crude photoshopping.

8. This picture is supposed to depict the tsunami that hit Phuket, Thailand in 2004. The city in this picture is actually Antofagasta, Chile and the wave isn't what the tsunami looked like. Everything about the picture is fake!

9. As frightening (and cool) as it would be to see the baby's footprint, it's actually not possible. You can see a bulge, but the abdominal wall is far too thick to allow this level of detail.

10. Avoiding SARS has never been so stylish, and it never will be. Would anyone actually buy this mask if it was real?

11. While there is definitely no shortage of racists in the world, this picture is actually fake. Someone placed "white" over "great" to create this image.

12. Who needs guard dogs when you have guard bears? This is just proof of how convincing some Photoshoppers can be.

13. Fortunately, this is just another fake. This picture consists of two separate images being combined.

14. This 87-pound cat is 87 pounds of pure, digitally altered feline. The owner just took his regularly sized cat and made it seem a lot bigger than it is. The wonder of computers!

15. An 86-pound potato? Yum! This image was created to help a farmer promote his potatoes. Interestingly enough, this was done in 1894. That's far before the invention of computers.

16. Cheeseburger Oreos? There are some really weird flavors, but this isn't one of them. I'll just go back to the candy corn Oreos (which were real).

17. More fake Oreos? Yup, but this time it's fried chicken! I love fried chicken and I love fried Oreos, but I don't know if I would love them together.

18. Emus definitely don't have teeth like that, but a lot of people believed it. Someone photoshopped a shark's teeth onto the bird and called it a day.

19. This photo of a Syrian boy sleeping between his parents' graves is absolutely heart-wrenching. Thankfully, it was just an art project done by a Saudi Arabian photographer.

[h/t Hoaxes]

Do you know anyone who is extremely gullible? Don't forget to SHARE this with them!


Author: verified_user