Thursday, December 17, 2015

20 Dudes Serving Eternal Damnation In The Friend Zone

Ask any guy what it means to be friend-zoned by a girl, and most will liken it to life in prison. Allow me to make one thing clear: just because you and a girl are just friends, doesn't mean you're in the friend zone. The friend zone is where guys go after attempting to woo a girl who rejects them using some evasive rebuttal like "I love you, but only as a friend," or "your friendship means the world to me and I don't want to lose that by making things complicated." No self-respecting male wants to be placed in the dreaded friend zone. The friend zone is eternal damnation. There is no escaping it once you're there. Nicholas Sparks had it wrong. I want to feel bad, I really do. But, the guys on this list aren't doing themselves any favors. 

1. Those plaid cargo shorts are the uniform for men who have been friend-zoned by more than one woman

2. If you crack open your thesaurus you'll find "friend zone" is a synonym for "slavery"

3. Now crawl back to that friend zone from whence you came

4. This is very accurate

Getting thrown into the friend zone is akin to taking a fastball right in the dick

5. The face of a man who's very self-aware

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem

6. One of the telltale signs you're firmly rooted in the friend zone and have little to no hope of making it out

7. Sorry, but your request was DENIED, son!

8. This definitely wasn't a thing before

This guy just made the friend zone worse for all the other guys stuck in it with him

9. One of these things is not like the other

10. If you listen for a second you can hear the sound of Charles's heart shattering into a million pieces

11. The friend zone depicted perfectly below 

12. Was it worth the embarrassment of being sent back?

13. Jeez, man, have some respect for yourself

14. No mistletoe will save you from the depths of this hole we call a friend zone

15. The face of a man who just realized he's worthless and destined to be forever alone

16. What are best guy friends for if not to hold you up so you can make out with your boyfriend?

17. Chances of survival were slim already, but this guy isn't doing himself any favors

18. Then again, anything is possible

19. That probably hurts a lot more than falling off that cliff.

20. So true!


Author: verified_user