Sunday, October 11, 2015

Napping At School Leads To Photoshops Stranger Than Dreams

Ah, college, the non-stop party with brief moments of cramming knowledge in your skull from time to time. It can definitely take its toll on a person, as I'm sure any current or former student can tell you. So normally, we don't think twice about a student taking a lil' cat nap in the library. I used to see it all the time, but in this internet era of ours, it seems no one is safe from the Photoshop-loving web-wizards. When this particular student was caught by her friends napping, the 'shoppers got straight to work at what they do best...

1. Here's the original pic. Quite the interesting sleep position, you can already start seeing some of the potential for making it more interesting...

2. The ratio here is pure gold!

3. This one is so good — how could you beat it?

4. "You would do well to heed my warning, do not wake the dragon."

"A student has no name"
"Brace yourselves, naps are coming"
"That's what I do, I nap and I know things" — Any of these workin' for ya?

5. ♫ You used to call me on my cell phone — late night, when you need a nap ♫

And those were just the first few! Tons more coming up...

6. When these athletes were all given the same bag, they should've just given up and gone to bed...

7. Y'all just got served! 

8. The most electrifying student in all of sports entertainment!!! 

Her patented finishing move, the sleeper's elbow! 

9. If you can't be an artist, be the art...

More gorgeous works of art ahead!

10. This one's a real thinker

11. Artist's rendering from the classic novel, "Last of the Mo-sleepins"

12. Well, I like naps and long walks on the beach — say no more! 

13. But if I was going to hang out with anyone on the beach, I'd probably want it to be a flamingo 

14. Focus on your breathing as you hold this pose, the downward-facing doze...

15. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

16. Smells like dream spirit

♫ With the lights out, it's... well, it's easier to take a nap, that's for sure.

17. You ain't never had a friend like Zzzs!

h/t Imgur and Bored Panda


Author: verified_user