Saturday, October 17, 2015

15 Things You Never Knew about 'Will & Grace'

Can you believe it's been 10 years since Will & Grace ended?! It was one of the best TV shows on air at the time. It's impossible not to relate to at least 75% of what they're saying all the time. I mean, are we not all Karen when it comes to wanting a drink? And whenever they talk about not wanting to do anything, it makes me realize that the characters are my spirit animals! Even if you've watched the entire show multiple times, there are probably still a ton of things you never knew about the sitcom! Here are all the behind-the-scenes facts you never knew about Will & Grace

1. Megan Mullally came up with Karen's signature high-pitched nasally voice right after the pilot was filmed. That's why Megan used her normal voice in the first episode! 

Can you hear Karen's voice in your head? 

2. Grace's middle name is Elizabeth because her mother was a huge fan of Elizabeth Taylor. In real life, Debbie Reynolds, who plays Grace's mother, had her husband leave her for Elizabeth Taylor!

3. Remember Jack's fabulous Cher doll? It's actually a $60,000 prototype of a doll that Mattel actually sold for a bit in 2001! The creator of Will & Grace got to keep the doll in the end!

4. Cher's cameo on the show is one of the best moments on the show! Sean Hayes said he met her in full "Cher Land drag" and almost passed out because he was so happy to meet her. 

Her scene was filmed in less than an hour!

5. Debra Messing only said yes to being on the show after the creators of the show showed up to her house and forced her to drink alcohol with them! They bribed her with a bottle of vodka and they spent hours pouring her shots and pitching the show.

Good thing she said yes the next day!

6. Sean Hayes actually threw away the script to the first episode! He loved the script but he was at the Sundance Festival and didn't have enough money to book a flight out to LA to audition!

7. All the writers were obsessed with pop culture and would write in references to actors they wanted on the show... and it worked! Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Madonna, Britney Spears and Cher were all mentioned on the show before appearing on it!

8. John Barrowman didn't get the part of Will because the producers told him that he was "too straight" even though he's gay. Eric McCormack got the part but he's straight in real life!

9. Remember Jack's website It used to work! There were pictures and blog posts created by Jack. It even had a letter that Rosario wrote to the INS!

10. Megan found out she got the role of Karen when she was leaving NBC studios and made an illegal U-turn! She immediately got pulled over by the cops but told the police officer that she didn't care because she just got hired!

11. In the original script for the first pilot, Will was supposed to have a partner called Higgins! Sadly, Higgins was erased from existence in the final draft of the script. 

12. The cast is super special! They're one of the few shows where all the main characters have won Emmys! 

13. Karen was easily everyone's favorite character! NBC was going to give Karen her own spinoff! Unfortunately, the Friends spinoff Joey did so terribly that they decided to ditch the idea! 

Can you imagine a TV show all about Karen?! Scratch that. A TV show about Karen and Jack would be the best show ever!

14. The show had one director for every single episode! James Burrows also made sure that every single piece of mail featured on the show was actually addressed to Will or Grace with the correct address! 

15. Will & Grace got such amazing ratings in Season 1 that NBC rewarded the cast with free cars! Megan, Sean, Debra and Eric all got matching Porsche Boxster convertibles! 

COMMENT and tell us who your favorite character is! 

The only correct answer is Karen. Karen WAS the show. 


Author: verified_user