Friday, September 11, 2015

15 X-Men Movie Mistakes Even Non-Mutants Could See

The X-Men movies are part of one of the most popular franchises out there. With successful spin-offs and prequels, each movie released becomes the most anticipated of the year! It's not hard to see why because the stories and characters get more complex and interesting with each movie. With X-Men: Apocalypse being the only movie everyone's talking about, it's time to just revisit some of the franchise's plot holes and mistakes that you probably never noticed!

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1. It looks like mutants don't have blood! When Magneto removes the bullet that paralyzed Professor X, there's no blood on it despite being deep enough to paralyze him.

2. Storm can control the weather, but in X-Men: The Last Standshe suddenly can borrow Palpatine's electricity power and kills Callisto with it. When did she learn that?!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when does Storm shoot electricity at things? 

3. When Sebastian Shaw attacks the research building, he tosses an agent into the air but the agent never actually comes back down from the throw!

Is gravity not a thing in the X-Men universe? Just wondering. 

4. In The Last Stand, Magneto uses the Golden Gate Bridge to make his own bridge to march across. Except... he leaves the bridge for the U.S. military to use to battle the mutants. 

Magneto's powerful but not always the smartest! He should've collapsed the bridge to cover their tracks!

5. In X2, there's a badass moment where Wolverine is shot in the skull, but it wouldn't actually happen this way by flattening out. Wolverine's skull is made from adamantium so the bullet actually would've richocheted away!

6. They have the least explosive nukes in the universe! In First Class, Xavier leaps into the mind of a Russian officer and blows up the cargo ship carrying nukes. But there was barely an explosion!

Shouldn't the explosion have been more... nuclear?! Fatal?! 

7. Xavier has no idea how much alcohol costs. He paid for 3 drinks with £5 note. In 1962, £5 was worth around £100 or $150! 

At least we know Xavier's a good tipper!

8. In the movies, it's established that Professor X is one of the most powerful mutants but it's not true! In The Last Stand, Callisto can do what he can but without a Cerebro! 

She's your go-to gal if you want to find mutants quickly. She's literally more powerful than him!

9. X-Men: First Class showed some of our favorite mutants in 1962 but decided to show us props from the future! The Cadillac that takes Xavier to the CIA building wasn't released until the '70s.

Let's be real, it's still a nice car!

10. As if The Last Standwasn't bad enough... the credits have a mistake! Paul Duffy's job is spelled wrong! It's supposed to be "foreman" and not "forman."

AND in the opening credits, it says "Strarring" instead of "Starring." Yikes!

11. Magneto wears a helmet so Professor X can't get into his head. But get this – why didn't Magneto make his mutant army wear helmets too? Xavier can just get into their heads instead!

12. Magneto is captured and can't escape because he's kept in a plastic prison at the end of X-Men. But in the movie universe, can't Magneto escape by using the Earth's electro-magnetic fields to fly?

You can't just pick and choose when to make a character's powers work!

13. Jean Grey really didn't have to "die" at the end of X2. She could've held off the water and lifted the jet up while being in the jet because telekinesis doesn't require her to be on the ground or in the open air!

It doesn't make sense. It just doesn't.

14. In First Class, Emma Frost has many powers. She's super strong, she's a telepath and she can turn into diamond... so then why did she let herself be captured?!

She could have easily shoved off Erik and Xavier without even breaking a sweat! It just doesn't make sense!

15. Charles is a bit too eager to help out his X-Men that he accidentally smashes his head into the window of the jet... and it still made it into the movie!

I hope James McAvoy's okay from that! It looked like it hurt...

Let's hope mistakes like these aren't in X-Men: Apocalypse! COMMENT and tell us who your favorite X-Men character is!


Author: verified_user