Saturday, September 5, 2015

13 Unsettling Things Fans Missed About 'American Horror Story'


American Horror Story is one of those shows that just makes your stomach turn but you HAVE to keep watching.

It's something that the show just does perfectly. Don't get me wrong, the guest stars are sometimes random and the plot lines are sometimes a mess but, overall, the show keeps you hooked. Each Halloween, we look forward to what horror genre the show runners are going to explore.

Insane asylums, covens, carnivals, murder houses — you name it, this show will go there. The anthology aspect of the show is pretty sweet too, since creator Ryan Murphy can recast the same actors for VASTLY different roles.

But there's a bunch of tidbits about the show that you probably missed...

1. All the creepy openings to American Horror Story are put together by the same dude who does them for The Walking Dead.

Kyle Cooper makes sure that the openings are laced with unsettling imagery that'll set the mood for the entire season. The jittery, camera shakes are iconic for the show — so are the clues embedded in each opening!

2. The WEIRD chicken coop murders in the show were REAL.

Between 1926 and 1928, the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders plagued the L.A. police department, who dealt with a series of abductions, tortures and murders of young boys in the city.

3. Remember that two-headed Edward Mordrake? Turns out he was ripped off a book from 1895.

Sci-fi writer Charles Lotin Hildreth first came up with the idea for Edward Mordrake, a British heir with an extra face on the back of his head. It would "smile and sneer while Mordrake was weeping" but would never actually speak...

4. The entire setting of the latest American Horror Story: Hotel, was inspired by a REAL hotel where the owner would murder his guests and hide their bodies there too.

H. H. Holmes built a hotel in Chicago just before the world's fair in the late 1800s. After he murdered his guests, he hid their bodies in the hotel's trap doors and hidden passages. Once it was uncovered, newspapers called it The Murder Castle.

5. The mood on set was so freaking GRIM during American Horror Story: Asylum that Zachery Quinto would whip out the banjo to try and lighten the mood.

In between takes, the Star Trek actor said he'd play "on set a lot because it sort of lightens up the mood... at first I was a little bit nervous about doing that and then people were like, 'Thank you for doing that. It makes it so much easier to work.'"

Like this.

PS this was actually in the show. Again, this show is weird.

6. Every scene with Bette and Dot during Freak Show took 15 hours to shoot. Fif-freaking-teen....

Sarah Paulson's scenes were a mashup of old school puppetry and digital special effects.

7. Evan Peters flashed co-stars Sarah Paulson and veteran acting legend Jessica Lange while he was getting hosed down in Asylum.

Accidentally, Peters says.

8. Evan Peters had to lather himself up with sexual lube to get into his skin-tight rubber man suit.

I feel like there's a condom joke here, but I won't make it because I'm too classy.

Creepyass rubber suit...

PS Basically everyone in season one wore it at least once.

9. A legit clown club was PISSED at the fact that, while on the show, Twisty the clown contributed to "clown fear."

That's right, the president of Clowns of America International, the nation’s biggest clown club, said: ""Hollywood makes money sensationalizing the norm... they can take any situation no matter how good or pure and turn it into a nightmare."

10. The show's creator says that every season of American Horror Story is connected to each other...

Take for example, Sister Mary Eunice who first showed up in Asylum and then RANDOMLY in Freak Show. Then there was mention of season one's murder house and Dr. Charles Montgomery both showing up in Hotel

Speaking of the murder house, Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts) from Coven has the SAME name of the iconic house's original owner.

11. The murder house from season one is also the infamous Alpha Delta frat house in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

You can find the popular house in Los Angeles. In 2013, it was put on the market for a VERY reasonable $7.8 million.

12. Only Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters show up in EVERY season of the show.

PS Peters has shown up in 64 episodes while Paulson only shows up in 54.

13. In character, Chloe Sevigny had to be wheeled around in a wheelchair because the prosthetics made it IMPOSSIBLE to straighten her legs. 

So in between scenes, that was the way she got around.

COMMENT and tell us if American Horror Story still creeps you out! Or is it too campy?


Author: verified_user