Saturday, August 8, 2015

Mom With Almost No Muscles Gives Birth To Miracle Baby

In the United States, 26% of adults with physical disabilities are parents. 15% of parents, whose children are 18 or under, have physical disabilities.

We already know that parenting is the most difficult job in the world (and best), but how would we cope if we had to compound that with living with a disability?

This is the story of one young mom who has defied all odds and inspired the world.

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Met Sheree Psaila.

Sheree is 22 years old and has arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), which means that she can't extend or flex her joints. Her muscles are weak and her tendons are short. Sheree doesn't have much use of her arms and she stands less than four feet tall.

Her condition affects anywhere from one in 3,000 to one in 12,000, depending on the severity of it.

What she has managed to do, though, has amazed everyone.

Sheree has explained her diagnosis on Facebook.

"My shoulders only have slight movement, my elbows and knees have weak muscle tissue, so they both only bend a little.

My wrists and ankles are pretty much fused, the tendons are tight in my fingers and toes, so they don't have much flexibility."

Sheree is 22 now — which is incredible considering doctors didn't expect her to survive birth.

Sheree's mother was advised to abort her daughter when they realized she wasn't moving well in the womb. They didn't expect her to survive birth, but they were wrong. "I wasn't supposed to live for my 1st birthday, walk independently, go to mainstream schools, and I would have to live with my parents for the rest of my life." Sheree has posted on Facebook, "I have continued to prove people wrong with their 'predictions' and defied the odds of becoming a mother."

She's living her life. 

Sheree met Chris at TAFE where she is studying social marketing. "Five years ago, I met my husband, Chris, 25, who has Scoliosis. I knew he was going to be a keeper. This is far from the clichè 'love story,' he stuck around for the less pretty things, and together, we enjoyed the most amazing things."

Three years ago, she moved in with him.

Chris and Sheree got married.

And, in February of this year, they welcomed their son, Hayden. This picture description of Hayden, posted on Our Different REALity's page, stated:

"7 months old today!

Time is going so quick!


62cm long (half the length of Sheree) 😂

He is such a little dude now 😂😍👶"

Sheree has a hard time holding Hayden on her own.

And she needs help to bathe and change him. “The doctors told me I probably wouldn’t be able to have kids, although they didn’t give me a reason why not." Chris and Sheree were able to test during her pregnancy to be sure that Hayden has no disabilities.

Chris takes care of his wife and son.

"I love being a mum," adds Sheree, "but it does get frustrating at times because there are a lot of things I can’t do. Sometimes Hayden will cry and I can’t reach him to pick him up. I have to wait for someone to pick him up for me."

Despite her disability, Sheree is doing everything she can for Hayden, and for herself.

Sheree's got her permit and is hoping to get to modify a car to be able to drive on her own. She can walk with Hayden (though not too far) and has care come in three hours a day, five days a week. They're really making it work!

Congratulations to the happy family!

And to Sheree. Best of luck with all your upcoming adventures!


Author: verified_user