Friday, August 28, 2015

House Abandoned 30 Years Ago Captured By Photographer

People are fascinated by buildings or houses that have been abandoned for long periods of time. Sometimes, these places are left immediately, without any effort to remove the belongings or clean it up. Essentially, these places are time capsules that take us back to a time that used to be. Not only do suddenly abandoned places offer a glimpse into a past era, they are unsettling because we oftentimes have no idea what the circumstances were that led the owners to desert it. 

One home that has been abandoned for about 30 years is getting some attention online for being particularly fascinating. Everything was left alone, including divorce papers sitting out in the open. A photographer recently went inside to snap photos for the world to see. 

SHARE this article with your friends on Facebook. This collection of images is fascinating.

The 'hoarder house,' as it's called, has been abandoned since the early 1990s.

This Mississippi home is falling apart piece by piece every year that it stands. The walls are crumbling, the paint is fading and chipping, and it's obvious from the outside that it hasn't been maintained in a very long time. It's what was left behind in the home that people have been fascinated the most by.

It's not entirely clear why the home was abandoned, but, considering the divorce papers found, it's likely that the home was deserted in a period of time when a family was breaking and beginning to move down different paths.

When you walk into the home, it's obvious that it was deserted pretty quickly.

What's eerie is that there is still evidence of the family that lived there before.

At some point, children ran through the halls of this home and filled it with laughter.

Blankets are still draped on the chair and a teddy bear still sits upright as if it were placed there moments ago.

More evidence of children litters the home. It's quite unsettling to see these dolls sitting up as if a child is still having a conversation with them.

An office where, perhaps, a mother or a father worked extra hours at night to provide for their family.

Pots and pans still sit around in the kitchen like dinner was just finished.

You can see stuffed animals lined up on the couch.

In this photo, a Nintendo cartridge and an open ballerina music box sit out on a table.

In this house, Nintendo is still the latest game console on the market.

Here is a large bedroom with the walls crumbling and yet another stuffed animal.

Last, but not least, a figurine stands watching over the house, like it has for the last 30 years.

SHARE this creepy article with your friends on Facebook. They'll find this fascinating.


Author: verified_user