Saturday, August 8, 2015

17 Parents Who Found The True Meaning Of Parenting

I swear, sometimes the only reason my dad had kids was so that he could put us to work. He must have felt like he hit the jackpot when my mother pumped out two boys. We're small in stature but hard-working. Our father trained us well. We're no carpenters, but we're decent handymen. We can't cook or clean but we can sure as hell BBQ. We know when to mow the lawn and shovel the driveway. Christmas decorations go up on the third weekend of November and come down the second weekend of January. 

When there's heavy lifting that needs to be done, he always has two able bodies he can call on to get the job done. My father understood the true essence of parenting, and it's one I plan to exploit when it's finally my turn to have kids. I also plan on taking a few pointers from the amazing parents below. 

1. When baby serves the dual purpose of offspring and coffee table

2. Parenting means finally having an excuse to watch Saturday morning cartoons again

3. This picture really takes me back

4. If you're the one who has to clean it, you should be allowed to have some fun first

5. Three kids means a fully serviced household

6. Maybe you can't see, but I bet Jimmy can get a sweet video from up there

7. I wonder who is the enabler in this circumstance

8. "We're going on this walk, even if it means I have to drag you the whole way"

9. The price of a few hours of shut eye

Nothing soap can't fix

10. Parenting means having company everywhere you go

11. Rule #34 in the parenting handbook: when the driveway needs shoveling, get your kid to do it for you

12. When you have to babysit but you want nerd rage

13. Sometimes drastic measures are necessary

14. What's the point of having kids if you can't torment them a little?

15. "Calm down there young whippersnapper — maybe in 15 years"

16. Today's lesson: saws are sharp, Jimmy

17. It's the drag your kid for cancer walk

Main image via Facebook / theCHIVE

Collage images via 1. Facebook / theCHIVE 2. Imgur / JustinHardesty 3. Imgur / hatmantc


Author: verified_user