Saturday, July 11, 2015

14 Lookalikes That'll Likely Make You Look And Like!

Ever have those moments where you recognize someone from something, but you can't quite figure out why? It's most likely because lookalikes are all over the place these days. Whether it's people so similar you can barely tell the difference, or things so ridiculous you laugh out loud at how true it is, a good, uncanny resemblance is a great thing. They make us laugh and say, "oh yeah, totally!" So today we've compiled some of our most favorite doppelgangers in one article for your convenience and pleasure — enjoy!

1. I've always had a hard time distinguishing between these two. I lose the bet every time.

2. Trump and Biff

They warned us about 2015 in Back to the Future II, and now here we are...

3. Hoggle and Kieth Richards

"You remind me of the babe," 
"What babe?"
"The babe that looks 127 years old..."

4. One of them is completely plastic, the other was in Toy Story

5. 10/10 would build snowman with...

6. Things are lookin' Upfor this guy

7. Dems ma dogs, literally!

8. Yeah, but at least Kevin was a good accountant...

Next, let's get even crazier ...

9. Benedict (cu)Cumberbatch and Kif Kroker

10. This fan and Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe

Or more like the actor 15 years ago...

11. Honey Boo boo and her mom = KRANG

This is barely even a resemblance thing. I mean, they're obviously not from this planet... 

12. Bill Nye and Sam Eagle 

Both are men of sheer brilliance and honor. Eagle needs to start rocking a bow tie though, for sure. 

13. Carrot Top and Lion-O

14. Dave the Alpacca and Taylor Lautner


Author: verified_user