Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Doctors Use Google Cardboard To Save A Baby

Raising a child is a very tough and cumbersome task. It requires a great deal of attention, effort, and quite honestly, funding. There are so many things that can go wrong that it's extremely easy to constantly worry about children, but it's worth noting that they're actually quite durable. With that said, sometimes the most unexpected things can happen. With the induction of modern medicine and technology, we're much more able to save people from various illnesses. Thankfully, that was the case when it came to this poor child and her sickness.

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Meet Teegan (left) and Riley (right) Lexcen. They're both absolutely adorable babies.

Sadly, Teegan was born with nearly half of a heart and only one lung.

Doctors believed that there was nothing they could do for Teegan except provide a hospice nurse and some medication.

Essentially, they wanted to keep her comfortable while she waited for the inevitable.

They waited and waited until Doctor Juan Carlos Muniz came up with an idea that could saveTeegan's life.

Dr. Muniz had been talking to another pediatric cardiologist at the time, Dr. David Ezon, about using virtual reality (VR).

That's when Dr. Muniz bought a Google Cardboard.

Dr. Muniz used Google Cardboard to see Teegan's heart in VR. Since they could now see all around her heart, they were able to come up with a potential surgery.

Thankfully, the surgery went well and Teegan began her recovery shortly after.

The doctors claimed that, if it weren't for Google Cardboard, they wouldn't have been able to visualize the heart in such an effective manner.

[H/T: CNN]

Do you know anyone that has children? Don't forget to SHARE this with them!


Author: verified_user