Monday, June 15, 2015

An Ex-Scientologist Is Pissed And Is Spilling ALL Tom Cruise's Secrets


Tom Cruise's name wasn't always just tabloid fodder...

It used to be a name attached to the next balls-to-the-wall action flick. But those days are long gone. Today, it seems like his name is attached to a never-ending family drama between him and his ex-wife Katie Holmes. And it always involves Scientology.  

Now a former Scientologist is spilling the beans on theMission: Impossible star...

Refresher: Tom Cruise has been a big believer in Scientology for decades but only started talking about it around the same time he fell in love with actress Katie Holmes back in 2005.

He's since calmed down about speaking about his faith publicly.

Before that, he was married to Nicole Kidman and had two adoptive kids with her. But reports indicate that they broke up because she wasn't as big a believer in the religion as Tom was.

The same thing could be said about his second ex-wife Katie Holmes with whom they had a daughter, Suri. They left because they allegedly found the faith too demanding on their lives. 

While Tom was still in bona fide star status, the Church went out of its way to track down potential lovers for Tom.

Why would they do that? Because there are other reports that say that Mr. Cruise is in the upper echelon of the church and basically makes him a demigod that Scientologists have to cater to...

Which brings me to actress, comedian and ex-Scientologist Cathy Schenkelberg and what she calls a "girlfriend audition" back in 2009...

Oh God. This gets pretty weird. Hold onto your butts...

Then-scientologist Cathy Schenkelberg says that back in 2009, she was summoned for an "audition" at the church's Celebrity Center in Los Angeles.

The point of the audition was to see if she'd be a suitable new girlfriend for Cruise.

“I went into the room and just like any audition, the camera starts rolling. It was fine, the first few questions and then asked me what do I think of Tom Cruise,” she said. 

“I shoot from the hip – I’m a Midwest girl, I’m from a huge family and I just went: 

"Risky Business is OK and I was really upset that he and Nicole broke up. I really liked her and kind of find him to be a bit of a narcissist, insecure, kind of babyish.’"

"I don’t know … I spewed it out."

And that's when the former darling Scientologist suddenly found herself SHUNNED from the church... just from what she said about Tom!

“It was like the room emptied. As a person you want to feel a part of the group and here I am in Scientology ... I buy a package to sit at a table to donate to a betterment group and I get asked to be moved from the table because he’s there and he’s a big celebrity.”

But then it gets WORSE for her...

But couldn't she be lying? She says she knows what people might be thinking but she always felt a bitter taste when Scientologists looked down on her. 

“I was a girl who thought I was helping mankind and contributing to Scientology and its health groups but now I have to leave? I’m not a big celebrity but I did pay for it.”

The thriving voice-over actress says she went from dropping over $1 million on Scientology classes over the years to being forced to live out of her car!

“I lost my home, I lost my 401K, my IRA, my equity, everything! I’m on food stamps and I’m told I’m a degraded being."

She left the church in 2009 and now hosts a one-woman show about her ex-religion. “All this time I was so young and now, almost two decades later, I can’t get back the time. It hurts more than the million dollars.”

Her one-woman comedy show, “Squeeze My Cans,” bashes the religion and allows her to tell her own story and start healing. "You took 20 years of my life and a million dollars – leave me alone,” she said. “I gave you that, now let me heal in my own way.”

COMMENT and tell us what you think of this revelation of Tom Cruise's "girlfriend audition"! 


Author: verified_user