There are several symptoms that may mean you have a thyroid problem. You'll probably be surprised when you hear how common they are.
SHARE this important health warning with your friends because they can't afford to be naive about the signs of thyroid dysfunction.
1. Have you gained weight even though you haven't changed your diet?
One way that the thyroid can cause weight gain is by producing too little thyroid hormone.
2. Thyroid problems can make you less interested in sex.
Again, a thyroid producing too little hormone can leave you feeling less attracted to others.
3. An under-active thyroid can lead to feelings of depression and sadness out of the blue.
This isn't the only way that thyroid problems can make you feel! The anxiety monster can also rear its ugly head when the thyroid is out of whack.
4. Feeling fuzzy and confused for no apparent reason can also be a sign.
Difficulty concentrating on a simple task can be an immediate sign that your thyroid is just not doing what it should be.
5. When your thyroid is working overtime, you may feel like eating huge amounts of food.
6. Not being able to poo.
Constipation also results from a slower metabolism.
7. Is your hair falling out more than normal?
Less healthy hair and even hair loss can occur.
8. Dry or cracking skin.
A slowed metabolism due to your thyroid can cause dry or itchy skin.
9. Have a stiff neck?
Your pain in the neck is also a tell-tale sign of some underlying problems. Other problems with your neck and head can also occur ...
10. Oversleeping.
Of course we all oversleep sometimes, but if you are having a harder time than usual waking up or are feeling low energy, this may be a sign that your thyroid has slowed down.
11. Odd heart beat feelings or fluttering is a common symptom as well.
Too much thyroid hormone can cause this.
Main image via LIVESTRONG
Collage image via 1. Dr. Zacharie Cole 2. CalmClinic