Wednesday, April 22, 2015

23 Snapchat Cats To Get You Through Exams With A Smile

We all know it's a good idea to get an education, but let's be honest for a moment here: School can be extremely stressful. It's all fun and games during Frosh Week, but soon after the Turkey Dump comes the impending doom of exams. We all know they're coming, but not all of us are prepared.

So let me help you. Here's what we're going to do to get you through this trying time. You're going to focus on the studying, sleeping, and eating well; I'm going to focus on the relaxing. That's right: It's important to relax! A relaxed, happy, and well-fed brain is a brain that is, without a doubt, going to produce better results than a stressed, tired, and hungry one. 

So how am I going to help you relax and inspire your best work yet? With the cats of Snapchat, of course. Trust me, when you get a few pages in, you'll understand what's up. 

Enough with all the chit-chat, let's see some cats! SHARE with your friends going through exams! 

1. Your enemy: exams.

All them good grades are going to fluff you up so much, you just gotta hang in there for a few more weeks.

2. This kind of thinking is the danger of over-studying.

Don't let it happen to you: Take a break and get some fresh air!  

3. The moment you think you've finally figured out what the prof was saying all this time and then...

Maybe not. Don't worry, this happens to everyone. 

4. The look you give when people ask you how exams are going, what your major is, or anything at all between November and Christmas break.

You've got it all figured out, you just don't know it yet.

5. How I feel about Saturday exams. 

Seriously, guys. 

6. When you start dozing off while reading, that's when you know it's time to chill. 

Get the Netflix going for at least a solid hour of "you" time. Even better, but less appealing to most: exercise! Both are way more productive than what this cat is up to, plus you won't wake up with a killer backache.

7. When you kinda just really wanna call Mom, Dad, Gramma, whoever.

Mew = Send pizza and luck, pawlease.

8. When you rock the practice exam.

Nothing can top this right now.

9. How we all wish we could be right meow.

Soon, soon. All exam times come to an end.

10. When your procrastination game is a little too strong.

You just need to focus for a few good hours a day. You can do it. And then? You can spend your holidays doing whatever you want.

11. When you haven't left your dorm for days.

Here's my rule: If it's been more than one full day without fresh air, get yourself outside ASAP.

12. When you've been staring at the screen for a little too long.

When the words start moving on the page, it's break time!

13. When you start wondering if all this post-secondary stuff is really for you.

Hang in there. Years fly by and when you're job searching, you'll be happy you stuck this one out.

14. When you can't decide what to study first.

Some people do best when they study for only one test at a time. My strategy: Make a study schedule that makes sense for your priorities. If you need to rock an A to pass the class, focus your attention there first. If you're already cruising through the finish line in all classes, study in equal proportions, but spend time on the things that tripped you up over the semester.

15. When you go to a study group and it goes well.

Find a good group and stick with it. Studying together makes it seem less daunting.

16. When your friends who stopped at high school ask if you're coming home this weekend.


17. When your BF says they'll bring food to the study sesh.

These kind of people are your family now. <3

18. When it all sinks in and you start feeling real smart.

That's right: real smart.

19. When you realize you studied everything BUT what's being asked.

Try for those half-points, trust me. They can save you a whole semester.

20. When they change the exam time, room, format, whatever at the last minute.

Have your brief freak-out and readjust. It's not the end of the world, I promise.

21. When you see how thick the exam package is.

20 pages?! How in the... Yes, it's possible. You'll get through it.

22. When you can't answer a question and the time keeps ticking.

Do clocks get louder during exams, or is it just me? The good news is: You aren't an idiot. You're just stuck. And...this cat has just shown you the error of getting stuck on one question. Move on and return if you have time at the end of the exam.

23. When you leave the exam and get into bed.

You did it! Snapchat cats totally knew you could. Now go have some much-deserved fun!


Author: verified_user