Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Have Kids, Will Travel. 38 Best Tips For Travelling With Children

Just because you have kids doesn't mean you don't want to go on vacations. (In fact, you might actually want to go on vacations even more once you have kids.) Then there are the obli-cations to family that you just have to visit. 

Chances are, you're going to have to travel fairly long distances with your kids, and it can be tough. But there are ways to make it easier! Here are the 38 best tips for and general ideas on how to make the trip smoother. 


1. Basket Of Games 

Keep a basket of games handy for kids in the car. Keep it in reach of kids so they can swap out when they're tired of one.

2. Contain Garbage

Keep the car tidier by having a designated garbage container. You can use a bag, but a re-purposed cereal container will keep it from spilling. 

3. Keep Snacks Close

Like the toys, keep snacks handy for kids. They can choose their own and decide what they want to eat without you listing every possible option.

4. DVD Player

If you're able to, consider purchasing a DVD player or iPad for kids to watch movies on. They'll be a lot less bored if they're watching their favorite shows. 

5. Portable Video Games And Books 

Again, if you can afford to get one, having an e-reader or video game player with lots of options is useful. You can eliminate clutter by keeping a digital stash of books and games rather than a car full of hard copies. This works best for older kids — or for you to entertain yourself.

6. Play Games With Kids

I Spy or license plate bingo can be fun for kids. They are interactive and keep the kids from feeling isolated. 

7. Comforts From Home 

Sleeping in a car is a lot easier with a favorite stuffed animal or blanket. Something small that reminds them of home can help children feel more settled in a new environment. 

8. Comfy Clothes 

Kids don't have to look their best to sit in a car. Make sure they are wearing their most comfortable clothing so they're not so fidgety. 

9. Take Lots Of Breaks 

Yes, it will slow you down, but stopping for snacks, a bathroom break, or just a play break every two hours will help kids burn off some energy so you don't hear "Are we there yet?" every five minutes. 

10. Pack Wipes 

This seems almost like a no-brainer, but wipes are not only great for cleaning off hands and faces, but also for wiping down tables, toys and car seats. They're easy to store but are so useful to have. 


1. Layers 

You never know when the airport will be chilly or extra hot. Have layers that are easy to remove to keep fussing to a minimum. 

2. Headphones

These are essential to keeping kids happy without annoying other passengers. Have a set for each child so there are no fights. 

3. Feeding At The Right Times 

For babies, feeding during takeoffs and landings can help ease the discomfort of changing cabin pressure. For kids too small to chew gum, eating fruit snacks or sucking on a lollipop can help ease the discomfort and reduce risk of a crying meltdown. 

4. Fly Direct

It will likely cost more, but having to wrangle small children on multiple layovers can be a nightmare. If you can afford it, flying direct is the best way to go. 

5. Have Snacks 

Waiting in a long line at customs or security is going to be 100 times worse with cranky, hungry kids. Have a snack handy to settle them. Just make sure it isn't a liquid above the TSA limit or you'll be going through a second security check. 

6. Always Use The Bathroom 

Fitting a family into a tiny airplane bathroom is not fun. You can't help it if nature calls, but try to make sure you take a bathroom break before boarding. 

7. Have A Change Of Clothes

Just in case, keep a change of clothes for kids — and for you — in a Ziploc in your carry on bag. Chances are, if a kid is sick on the plane, you'll end up wearing it as much as the kids. If you have to change, the Ziploc will keep everything else clean. Better to have it and not need it than be stuck without it.


1. Keep Rituals 

Bring the usual pajamas and a bed time story to keep nighttime rituals as close to normal as possible for a more settled sleep. Stick to bedtimes and wake-up calls too. 

2. Rooms With A Kitchen 

No, you don't want to be cooking every night of a vacation, but having a hotel that has at least a refrigerator can keep costs way down. Packing snacks, cereals, juice and fruit will leave you prepared for snack attacks at night and can cut down on costs during the day — especially if you're at a theme park!

3. Free Breakfasts 

If you can, stay in a hotel that includes breakfast. It is another way to keep costs down and since each child can pick their own meal, there is no arguing about where to go. 

4. Make Sure There Is An Elevator 

Most hotels have an elevator, but if you're staying in a small hotel or motel, they might not. Double check with reception so you're not hauling luggage, strollers and kids up several flights of stairs every day. 

5. Room Configuration 

Check to see if you have enough beds or a cot available for all family members. If you know you need two beds, make sure the hotel knows you can't be bumped to a room with a larger single bed. 

6. Check Channels 

Before you go, find out what television channels are available in the hotel. At night when you are winding down before bed, it can help to have access to favorite TV shows or a kid friendly movie. 

7. Bath Tub

Not all hotels have a tub, so if you have a child who can't shower on their own yet, make sure your room has a tub.

8. Laundry Services 

If you're staying for a long time, check to see if there is access to laundry services. You can cut down on luggage this way, or just take care of any accidental spills that come up. 

9. Pools 

A pool or a game room is a great way to entertain kids. It is a free way to have fun and can be a great alternative on a rainy day. 

10. Check Over Kids Bags 

Let them pick outfits or things they want to bring, but you should make the final edits. They may not pick weather-appropriate clothing, or they might forget socks, or think they should take something they won't need. One mom didn't check her daughter's bag who brought along her fossil collection — just in case. 

11. Snack Properly

Don't just pack sugary candies and sweets. Though they might pacify kids at the time, having a mix of things like cheese, bagels and veggies will make sure you don't have hyperactive kids later. 

12. Medications 

Always check medications right before you leave. Include things like pain killers and antihistamines. You don't want to be mid-air and realize you forgot important doses. 

13. Pack Essentials 

Water, snacks and phone chargers should be kept in an easy to reach location. 

14. Rentals  

Instead of hauling car seats through the airport or trying to fit a stroller into the car, check if you can rent one at your destination. That could be one less thing to keep track of and manage during your travels. 

15. Emergency Budget 

You never know when an expense you didn't account for will pop up. Make sure that you have easy access to some money in case there is an accident or a wallet is lost. 


Author: verified_user