Sunday, March 8, 2015

17 People Dumber Than My Butthole

Brain farts — everyone has them, because although they might be embarrassing and unpleasant, they're a totally natural bodily function. 

However, some brain farts are exceptionally offensive and often deadly — so much so that the only possible explanation is that the people responsible for them must have poop for brains... seriously...

1. There's a reason the princess kissed a frog and not a turtle 

2. Busted...

3. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's trolling...

4. What a refreshing scent...

The next person really misinterpreted the situation...

5. Brilliant news about the family pet...

6. Probably because you put the iron on it

7. They call it a bun in the oven, not a casserole 

8. Not quite... you know the name is right on your steering wheel, right?

To say the next person is technologically challenged would be an understatement...

9. Even millennials have trouble with technology 

10. It's never too late to invest in a dictionary 

11. Let me know how that works out...

12. This makeup artist should probably consider a different profession 

I seriously don't know what the next person was thinking...

13. Keep trying, man

14. Seriously?!

15. It's a little too late for that wish

16. Safety first

17. And you thought the turtle kisser from #1 made poor choices...


Author: verified_user