Monday, February 9, 2015

Pregnant Mother Has Great Comeback After People Ask Why Her Belly Is 'So Black' And 'Nasty'

Harassment on the internet is a terrible problem. Internet trolls hide behind their computer screens and routinely aim to tear people down in the worst ways possible. 
This time, they have attacked a pregnant women. Luckily, she responded in the best way possible. 

Share this article with your Facebook friends. They need to see Porsche's perfect response.

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. Anyone who says otherwise is just a rotten soul, am I right?

Actress, model, and writer Porsche Thomas recently posted this picture doing some relaxing and sunbathing. 

Her Instagram post read, "Getting down to the wire. Only about two weeks left for me and these boys before they make their debut. 💙💙Crazy excited and totally nervous. What a way to start #2017 🎉🤗 #35weeks #twins #babybump"

She's gorgeous, right?!

Unfortunately some internet bullies had some horrible things to say about this picture. 

Let's take a look at what these haters had to say...

While most of the comments were positive, a few people managed to spoil this beautiful post for everyone. 

A few bullies posted things like "nasty" and asked why her baby belly was "so black."

Don't worry, though, Porsche had something of her own to say to the haters. 

When asked about the experience in an interview with BET, Porsche said, "I was baffled. I didn’t understand it because, to me, it wasn't even a great photo of myself. It was just a photo to embrace the belly. It wasn’t that deep when I posted it."

She commented on the fact that baby bumps from African American women are viewed differently than those with mothers of other races. 

"We don’t really get to see Black baby bumps and when we [do], people have a negative reaction to it, for some reason, like it’s vulgar," she explained. 

Porsche posted an equally beautiful picture as a comeback. 

"While some of y'all been in my comments criticizing the blackness that is my belly and me during what shoulda been your holiday cheer, I been over here enjoying life, growing tiny humans, performing miracles and hopefully getting even blacker."

Perfect response...

These haters aren't getting the best of Porsche, though. 

In the interview she said, "I shake everything off that’s negative. I don’t hold on to other people’s opinions that have nothing to do with me. I laugh at the ignorance. I know it exists, it's there and it's sad.

What do you think about the issues Porsche brought up and her response to these trolls?

Leave a comment on Facebook letting us know your thoughts. 


Author: verified_user